VAND Supporter Membership

Supporter membership status in VAND is available to Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics members who have chosen a different state as their primary affiliate. Supporter membership with VAND allows the Academy member access to most VAND benefits including Member Only resources, VAND free webinars for members, access to the VAND membership list, and member rates for continuing education events.

Supporter Membership Guidelines:

  • Supporter members are not eligible to hold elected or appointed positions on the VAND Board of Directors, but may serve on committees.
  • Annual membership fees are renewed annually as follows:
    • $50.00/year – Active Academy member
    • $25.00/year – Student or Retired Academy member
  • Annual membership fees are non-refundable.

To apply to become a VAND Supporter Member, complete the VAND Supporter Member Application and return it with the required documentation to the VAND Executive Director via e-mail or mail. Payment of the annual membership fee will be completed upon approval of your application.