Post A Job

Post a job opportunity for Vand members

Thank you for using VAND’s online Job Bank service to assist with your recruiting needs.

Jobs are posted for thirty (30) days.

Most recent jobs will post at the top including renewals. Please submit all job advertisements by completing the online form, submit and pay via PayPal. Upon approval, jobs will be posted within 5 working days of receipt. Once the job has been posted, the fee is nonrefundable.

Pricing Structure

The following are the current Job Listing Rates:

  • $100 for 30 days
  • $500 per year
  • $50 for 30-day renewal of same job advertisement

VAND reserves the right to reject ads that are not genuine recruitment ads or, for any reason, not considered in keeping with the mission of the Academy. For more information, please contact VAND Executive Director.




Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
44715 Prentice Drive #358  Ashburn, VA 20146