July 14, 2015
This National Commission on Hunger was created by legislative mandate in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill of 2014. Commission members are tasked with a mandate to effectively use existing programs and funds to address domestic hunger and food insecurity; and reduce the need for government nutrition assistance programs, while protecting the safety net for the most vulnerable members of society. The Commission is tasked with submitting its recommendations to Congress and the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture by October 2015. Commission members were appointed by leaders in the House and the Senate to ensure that the work would be bi-partisan. Commission members are serving on a voluntary basis. There are ten members with Susan Calvert Finn representing AND.
Cindy MacIntyre, VAND Treasurer and NVAND Federal Legislative Representative was asked to attend the hearing on July 14, 2015 in Washington, DC on behalf of VAND and NVAND. Below are links to her testimony to the commission and her comments on attending the hearing.